To ensure that Dashboard items convey the appropriate information to a diverse audience, the Thriving Weld Joint Planning Committee has devised the following “style guide.” This document outlines the proper format for text, links, and other items within the InsightVision platform in which the Thriving Weld Dashboard operates.
- Start with a capitalized first word
- Concisely denote an objective, program, or category of some sort
- Can use verbs (e.g. “Educate & Promote Healthy Food & Beverage Choices”)
- Can simply function as the title of a program (e.g. “Weld Prenatal Outreach Program”)
- Start with the type of data they are measuring (i.e. percent of, number of, money invested in, etc.) and should use the appropriate symbol (%, #, $)
- Should not be capitalized, except in the case of proper nouns
- Should be concise; detailed descriptions of the measure can be placed in the “description” box within the measure
- Cite the data source (where this data is coming from) and the target source (who/what is setting these target values) in the text, preferably with a URL link
- List contact information for organization/program staff who can be contacted for more information on the data or program
- Use the built-in formatting tool to change the appearance and organization of text and other items with the description box of objectives and measures
- Copying and pasting from sources outside of the InsightVision platform rarely results in the preservation of the original formatting