This website is intended for use by public health practitioners, business and nonprofit leaders, and anyone interested in learning about the health status of Weld County.
This site is designed to provide an in-depth look at the various factors influencing health in Weld County. It displays health outcome data as well as the collaboration between organizations working to improve health. The Thriving Weld Dashboard is intended to display progress made toward achieving the goals set by Weld County’s Community Health Improvement Plan.
Thriving Weld includes information from six focus areas. These are:
- Healthy Eating
- Active Living
- Healthy Mind & Spirit
- Education
- Livelihood
- Access to Care
The data gathered and published by our partners vary in focus and scope, but all contribute to a comprehensive report of the health of Weld County.
There is no cost to join Thriving Weld; through generous grant funding we are able to offer the dashboard to our partners for free.
For more information on Thriving Weld, please contact:
Olivia Egen
Public Health Communication Specialist II, Healthy Eating and Active Living Coordinator, Weld County Dept. of Public Health & Environment
(970) 400-2387
oegen@weldgov.comFor more information on the Weld County Community Health Improvement Plan, please contact:
Cindy Kronauge
Health Data Specialist, Weld County Dept. of Public Health & Environment
(970) 400-222
Strategy maps are blueprints designed around a particular health-related goal. Each strategy map includes the overall desired outcome, the strategies and sub-objectives necessary to reach this goal, and the assets our community can use as part of these actions.
Strategy maps were developed collaboratively by all Thriving Weld partners who work in a particular focus area. The outcomes and strategies in each strategy map reflect the shared goals of the organizations contributing to the map.
It is up to each organization using the dashboard to set their own goals and measures that will guide how they use the Thriving Weld dashboard. The North Colorado Health Alliance provides assistance and strategy planning when requested.
A scorecard is a collection of objectives and measures related to a particular program or effort. Scorecards are linked to either a focus area strategy map or an individual organization.
Objectives (blue icon in scorecards) describe a desired change for a health-related issue. These items may either be outcomes or strategies, depending on the scorecard to which they are a part of.
Measures (yellow icon in scorecards) monitor progress being made toward an objective. At least one measure is included in every objective. Measures show trends, targets, and current data values alongside a red, yellow, or green color band. This display provides a brief summary of the magnitude and direction of change for a particular measure. Each measure is clickable, showing more information about the measure including past data, the data source, and any notes on the measure.
Each partner chooses the data they will store on the Thriving Weld Dashboard. The data can be internally collected or from an external source. If an organization chooses to report their data source, it can be found in the “description” field visible after clicking the measure in question.
Data are updated and published as soon as it is available. Each Thriving Weld partner maintains their own scorecards and thus collects and publishes the data for their dashboard initiatives. Data may be updated weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.
Data compiled for Thriving Weld is public information and may be reproduced for free with the appropriate citation, along with our URL –
The recommended citation for the website is:
Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment. (Date). Thriving Weld Website. Retrieved data. Retrieved from [insert URL link here].
If referencing a specific measure:
Source or agency name (if available). (Date). Specific data source, if applicable (e.g. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2007). Thriving Weld Website. Retrieved date. Retrieved from [insert URL link here].